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Expectation Management

It just occurred to me it might me more "artsy" and "cool" of me to come up with more creative names for my images... lol

This is a big one, y'all. ya'll?

I've been "working" on this for about a month! 

I'm realizing that when I feel distant from God, my creativity stops flowing. Strange, how that works. I'm having flashbacks to the hours and hours and hours I spent pulling my hair out, scrolling through Pinterest, searching things like "surreal images" "creepy photography" "surreal illustrations" and then trying to make someone else's' idea my own. And then trying to make that fit the constraints of whatever assignment I had that week...(That's how I got through college.) That's not the way I create anymore, which is a huge relief - I'd much rather depend on the Holy Spirit to inspire me than other people. 

Anyway, I'm finally emerging from my month-long vacation on island Artist's Block.

By "working" on this for a month I really mean that I took the photos and tried to make the image in the same day, and it proved to not be one of the ones that goes together quick and easy, so I got frustrated and walked away from it for two weeks... then I revisited it for another hour or two and then gave up again, until today, when I got stubborn enough to finish the piece. :)

Enough with the unnecessarily long intro! Buckle up! 

"Expectation Management" - A phrase I first heard my sister use a few years ago.  A phrase that basically means "be aware of your expectations - actively manage them, so you can be realistic about them, and avoid disappointment whenever possible"

Each disappointment we experience is tied to an expectation we had. Disappointment is simply missed/unmet expectations. 

We go to our favorite restaurant because of the way they cook burgers, so we expect to be able to sit down, order a burger, and have it taste as incredible as it has the last few times we went. When it doesn't, we're disappointed (and probably hangry). 

We're friends with someone and expect them to behave a certain way - when they don't, we're disappointed - maybe we even question the friendship. 

The higher the expectation, the farther the fall, the harder the disappointment hits. 

But if we’re aware of our expectations, and actively manage them, disappointment can be avoided! That way, we don't have to say things like "I should have known" or "I'm too trusting" or too "naive", etc.

I've been grappling with this a lot lately.  (Hence the art and the blog post.)

What expectations do I have of my coworkers, acquaintances, new friends, old friends, family, church, myself, and everyone and everything in-between.  

What about my expectations of God? (WOAH.)

I serve a big God. He can do anything. He's the King of Heaven and Earth, lover of my soul, and creator of me. I can expect him to show up when I need him, sweep me off my feet, and keep me safe and protected... right? What could possibly be wrong with expecting that of such a huge God? It's not like it's an inconvenience or impossibility for him to do those things for me. Based on what I know of God, he WANTS to do all those things for me! I mean, I know I should be wary of expectations of other humans because it's in our DNA to fail - to disappoint. But I shouldn't have to manage my expectations of God, right?!

But what happens if I expect those things of God, and he disappoints me? I don't want to be disappointed in God! Do I trust Him enough to let him disappoint me and still believe his way is the best way? Or do I respond out of anger and hurt?  

Let's be honest - my instinct will be the latter. But if I'm actively managing my expectations, it shifts the blame. It says "Well, let's re-examine why I'm disappointed - were my expectations just?" If not, then I share some of the blame. I can't point my finger at God and say he's a bully with a magnifying glass who wants to see me fail.

On Mother’s Day Blynda Lane spoke at Lifegate, and said something really profound - Expectation is what you want God to do, but Adoration is about who God is. If every time you’re disappointed in God, you change your heart to one of adoration of God, it will change the way you see God. It will change the way you worship, talk, think, and the lens you see through. 

So, what were the biggest disappointments of your life? Could they have been lessened or avoided by managing your expectations? What do you expect of God? Do you adore him as much as you expect things from Him?